Idaho Club Teams; where they are playing this summer

It is now the second open evaluation weekend of July and teams have started (and some just finished) pool play at their respective tournaments. This weekend, in Anaheim, Long Beach, Hilsboro and Las Vegas alone there will be approximately 482 teams competing in NCAA certified events. And the next weekend there are multiple certified tournaments in Las Vegas and California. While 482 teams for certified tournaments may seem like a lot, consider that last year nearly double this amount congregated to Las Vegas during this same weekend. But that’s a story for a different time (or click here to read that).

Here’s a look at where some Idaho club teams are and will be playing this summer. Keep in mind: this information is only as good as the tournament and team websites that provide it.

Registration due July 24

Boise Flite
Flite has a 16U team in Las Vegas this weekend playing in the Big Foot Las Vegas Live tournament (click here for updates). And while they aren’t listed at the Super 64 or the Las Vegas Classic for the following weekend, they usually play in the Fab 48 which doesn’t have its schedule or pools out yet.

Boise Slam
Slam has a 17U team in the Best of the Summer tournament in Anaheim – click here for live updates

Hoop Dreams
Hoop Dreams has a 17U team at the Las Vegas Live tournament this weekend (click here for updates) and then at the Las Vegas Classic in the final weekend. They also bring a 14U team to Las Vegas for the Super 64 next weekend.

Idaho Select
Idaho Select is currently in Anaheim at the Best of the Summer tournament with five teams (Black 17U, White 17U, Red 16U, Blue 15U and Gold 15U). The Black 17U team won its pool in the Gold division and enters bracket play as one of the top seeds. Click here for live updates. After the Best of the Summer, the teams will head to Las Vegas and participate in the Adidas Super 64.

More often now, high school programs are taking their teams to these tournaments as well. Burley HS and Madison HS both have teams at the Las Vegas Live tournament this weekend. The following weekend it appears that Century HS will be playing in the Las Vegas Classic.